Alexander McQueen favourite bag: (Although I have fallen in love with a John Rochas leather egg shape brief case at Cose Ipanema and am seriously willing if I ever get paid...)

Style Icon for tonight:
Diane Kruger, what a lady

At work on Chapel St at the moment and theres a bloody river taking over the street, I would be excited normally because I could go home and put on a raincoat and spend the afternoon gardening but the new apartment has only one plant- it contains parsley. Its never thirsty like the Whisteria or Roses at my old home.
Anyway, speaking of homes:

INOTEPAD vs APPLE IPAD, inotepad totally wins, this is awesome:
Eventually that incredible sensation of a wash of satisfaction after you finish a pen will become a memory, and people will buy pens and write on paper because its quirky and vintage, the thought upsets me. I know its gonna happen though. Just like I knew when I was 10 that eventually I would want to kiss a boy and shave my legs.

I wonder what Johnny Rotten thought he would become?

The Talented Mr Ripley ><3:

Lilly Heine

Thinking of moving to London:

Not to Mexico- as it has sink holes that swallow blocks of buildings:

But to London, because of the art: Tate Modern

To be able to visit Paris on the weekends, chill in Versailles:

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