Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chanel Jacket

Our brief was to reinterperate Coco Chanels ideas of power and design aesthetic through an old knitted jumper. We needed to make the style our own but for the design to contain elements of classic chanel.

I have used gilt buttons, the camelia and stripes with my personal favourite- plastic! The jacket is made from an old mans knitted cardigan pulled apart, with sausage pillows for shoulder pads & a plastic table cloth inserted in stripes. The jacket is fitted to a size 8 although Ellery now wears it.

Here are some other examples from the class

And my absolute favourite; deconstructionist chanel, with sticky tape and skeleton mannequin. Genious!



Emily Cato said...

I seriously LOVE it. Great job! And the class looks so fun!

Unknown said...

they all look awesome xoxox