You know when its raining outsideand the little drops on the window look like gold and you wonder what it would be like to actually win 20 million if you actually spend $19 on a ticket and whether you'd be a good person and set up a charity or art trust or whether you'd get greedy and buy a mercedes and car registration and insurance and pay for parking and drive to uni and get fat legs and never get rained on and never grin so much you get a brain freeze because the night is so cold and you're riding you bike so fast because you have a yellow reflective vest on and its pretty much like cocaine?

You know when you havent written on your blog for a month and you promised yourself you would be interesting and then record it....neither of which actually happens?
Well I havent written here in a while, school is starting tomrrow and my new year resolution (as my flat mate puts it its been a year since July 18th 2009) is to live life better.
this means work harder
get to places on time
spend my free time eating and loving and reading and sitting in the air
and to eventually move to Antwerp and work for Dries
Reasons I want to work for Dries:
1. He speaks french
2. He has a very large garden which he cares about more than anything
3. He is a fashion magician.......marvel at his tricks.....

Let it be spring!
Come, bubbling, surging tide of sap!
Come, rush of creation!
Come, life! surge through this mass of mortification!

I wish that spring
would start the thundering traffic of feet
new feet on the earth, beating with impatience.

Come, spring, make havoc!
- D.H.Lawrence