Who is the demographic and psychographic target customer of David Jones women’s footwear?
The David Jones Core customer is female, AB demographic & our strategy is to cater to ‘mother, daughter & grandmother’ in out footwear assortment.
Who are the primary and secondary competitors of David Jones women’s footwear?
Our primary competition is from other department stores and high end boutiques. Our secondary competition is from high street and independent retailers.
Does the store have a product development/selection team or buying/planning team?
The David Jones merchandise team includes buying & planning teams. There is a limited amount of development for women’s footwear, and this is done by the buyer.
Does David Jones have an internal design team for footwear?
Does the buyer select a balanced range across basic, fashion and highlight pieces?
There are 3 women’s footwear buyers, with different customer focus, for example designer brands, fashion brands, and mainstream brands. Each buyer will select the appropriate amount of core items/fashion items/highlight styles for their department/brand.
Is the range balanced at all store levels? For example in Victoria or New South Wales does this range differ depending on customer?
Our ranging is allocated on ‘gridding’ principles, eg downtown stores, better suburban stores etc.
Flagship stores such as Elizabeth St in Sydney & Bourke St in Melbourne will receive different product to lower demographic suburban stores. At state level, there may be a difference in product class allocation, for example boots in Queensland.
How many items (or %) of the range would you classify as core basics?
It will depend on the brand/store.
Have the core basics been kept up to date for the target customer?
Some ‘core basics’ are carried through for several seasons, due to customer demand. Overall, however, key items are updated each season/year.
Is the store area aimed to be merchandised in lifestyles or brands?
David Jones merchandises footwear by brand.
What is the ratio of boots to flats to high heels this winter?
In W09 the mix of boots is around 25%, depending on the brand. We analyse our categories based on silhouette, for example boots, courts, slides, sandals.